Whenever I’m trying to figure out if I should help someone, I usually wrestle with the same kinds of questions:

  • Does this person really need my help?

  • Are they just trying to take advantage of me?

  • Won’t somebody else help them if I don’t?

  • Is this something they should be doing for themselves?

  • Will they even appreciate it?

  • What have they ever done for me?

  • What could they do for me in return?

I guess a few of these questions should be considered in a few, particular situations. However, I’ve noticed an unfortunate pattern in my life. It seems that often after internally debating these questions in my mind, I end up doing nothing at all. As I’m taking my time and carefully contemplating the right decision to make, the opportunity to help passes me by. But I want to start start being different.

I want to start “helping” like Jesus, who even though He knew there’d be many who’d never accept Him, many who’d take advantage of Him, many who’d never fully appreciate Him, and who knew He’d never get paid back, still chose to freely give up His own life to not only “help” us but to save us!


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