Imagine being stuck in a burning building and getting to the point where you’ve lost all hope of making it out alive. However, at the very last possible moment, a firefighter bursts on to the scene out of nowhere, grabs a hold of you, and carries you out unharmed.

Now, I don't know about you, but if that happened to me, if I’d been the one trapped in the building, I would not be able to keep that story to myself. I would want to tell everyone about how I was rescued, and more importantly, about the "rescuer."

In ways that are very similar to this imagined scenario, Jesus came and rescued us from sin and death when there was no other way, when there was nothing we could do to save ourselves. Regrettably, this is something I take for granted far too often and I fail to share this good news with others. I tell myself many reasons why I can't or why I shouldn't: 

  • I can never have find the right words to say.

  • I'm not qualified.

  • I'm sure somebody else will do it.

  • I don't think they will listen.

  • I don't want to sound judgmental.

  • I think they will ask me questions and I won't know the answer.

  • I'm very busy and I don't really have the time.

  • I tried before and it didn't change anything.

I really want to stop making these same old excuses! I don't want to keep expecting other people to do what I am fully capable of. I don't want to keep worrying about what others may think of me. I don't want to keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

Just as I would undoubtedly tell others if a heroic firefighter rushed in and saved my life, I want to start being more bold and courageous in telling others about how Jesus came and did the same thing for us all.
