A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can change everything about someone. That’s why doctors often tell TBI survivors that what used to be normal for them is a thing of the past and it’s time to start looking for a new one. At least that’s what they kept telling me!

Now, I think that my brain injury doctors were some of the best in their field and they were doing the right thing by repeatedly bringing this to my attention. They were simply trying to prepare me for the likely course of my future. But for the longest time, I failed to comprehend what they were saying. I wasn't hearing any of it. I didn't believe it was true. I had every intention of getting back my old normal, and with enough hard work and determination, I totally expected this to happen. However, despite my best efforts, the normal I was seeking, the one I always knew, the one I already understood, the one I was comfortable with, was nowhere to be found. My old normal had left the building.

I guess it was about time I tried to find a new one!
