“When I saw you the in hospital bed that day, I felt like I was watching your funeral!”

That’s something a good friend said to me and it led me to start asking myself a very thought provoking question;

“Did the people at this “funeral” really and truly know the person laying in that bed?”

The more time I spent trying to answer this question, the more I realized how strikingly different my actions and attitudes were from the man I claimed to be and the Christian faith most of the people at this “funeral” probably thought I had.

You see, I always said that I fully trusted God but was really trying to do most things on my own. I don’t think I’d ever made a decision to fully surrender everything to Him but had always been very careful with what I gave up. But God never left my side and was right there waiting when I started recognizing who He really was and how much He loved me.

God would begin teaching me a brand new way to live - one much different than my former way and one I believe is much closer to what He desires for everyone who calls themselves a Christian. It’s a way of life where we’re always being called to die to ourselves and live for Him. And, when you look at it that way, I guess it’s one where we should be having something like a funeral for ourselves every single day!


“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it.”  Mark 8:35